- What is Higher Self and Higher Self Coaching?
- What is Intuition and/or your "Next Right Step"?
- How is it done?
- What are the Benefits? (examples provided)
What is Higher Self and Higher Self Coaching?
Ever known someone who had good gut instincts, that when they listened to it, they were right on the money?
- Ever felt something or heard something in your head nagging at you that a loved one needed you right away and it was true?
- Ever sensed something about a person when you met them but initially denied in to yourself, wiped it from your thoughts, and later wished you had paid attention to it?
- All of these things whether you call it Intuition, Gut Feelings, or sensing something we're not sure of but is correct -- relate to one's Higher Self. It is conscious awareness.
Much of this has to do with slowing down long enough to hear from your Higher Self, and eliminate distraction. Some may say it is extra-sensory perception (ESP), and it may be. These 2 things may be intrinsically connected, just as intuition is. They may all be one and the same thing and relate to how tuned you are to hear-see-feel things in the moment and in advance of the moment, i.e. up the road.
What is Intuition and/or Your "Next Right Step"?
Intuition and higher self deal with things we do not see, at least not on the face of things. It may even sound woo woo, but let me tell you that when practical people get attuned to using this skill, and it is a skill, one we can all develop -- whether in business or in life -- the possibilities of what this can mean for your business and your life are far and wide. It opens a whole new vista of possible outcomes in your best interest.
Next Right Step means you have a sense, a knowingness if you will, about which direction to go next, what steps to take, enough so that fear and anxiety fall away. You feel directed, motivated, impassioned about what you are doing and where you are going. It can be a practical tool in all facets of life, especially if we can get out of our own way and give space for discovery.
How is Higher Self Coaching Done?
There is no one size fits all for this type of tool, but needs to be and should be customized for the individual. When I begin with a coaching client regarding Higher Self coaching, I learn what it is they want to attain, what have they tried, how it worked, and various other questions after that for our discovery together of where they've been with this.
Science has discovered that the human DNA is a transmitted-receiver, sending and receiving information. When activitating these human abilities, the possibilities of what one can use them for are limitless.
Higher Self Coaching is a training. You will learn new skills and how to use them in your business and daily life. If you choose, you will learn meditation by phone or Skype. All my clients pick it up much quicker than I learned it several years ago. Together, we will create customized exercises for you to develop what it is you seek. If you're not sure what you want to get out of it at the start, no worries. Regardless we will tap into your capabilities and activate them into use.
What are the Benefits?
Have used Higher Self Coaching in my practice with individuals both in their business and in their daily lives.
In business it can take off the edge, providing a quick release of anxiety and great clarity, alongside a feeling of wellness. Taught a litigation attorney meditation (by phone) and she quickly adapted to it, never having done it before. When she experienced some anxiety about a court hearing or a particular litigation case, after 10 minutes of meditation she could not recall what the anxiety was about. She was clear-headed, motivated, and ready for her hearing and/or to write her briefs and motions for court. It offered her the handle she needed, a tool she found useful going forward.
In another person's business, it helped him to connect with his Higher Self in making a big leap from his therapy practice to moving into a new business in the creative arts. He has since had 20 Exhibitions around the country.
A woman in her health-oriented career, used it to see things she didn't know she could. She would visualize what needed attention within her clients and would learn later on that it was spot on. It brought her many clients when she opened to the tools of Higher Self -- so much so that people lined up to make appointments with her, often waiting a month to get in (she was that fully booked). Higher Self, along with Marketing Plans, upped her earnings by more then 5-fold in a short length of time.
With a person going through divorce and 2 young children, who hadn't worked in more than 14 years, it opened her up to her possibilities, in a market that would not embrace her. After months of her trying to get work, HIgher Self Coaching helped her shift. She was offered a job at double the salary she sought, with all benefits included, even college reimbursement.
A man who had not felt joy in his whole life, though he and his wife were very close, was able to use Higher Self Coaching. Joy, was for him an unexpected addition to what he received in coaching.
If you're not sure what you want from Higher Self but are curious about it, feel free to click the calendar link at the bottom of this post, and schedule a 1/2 Consult. We can chat about where you are and what it can offer you.
Higher Self Coaching allows you to get to know yourself in ways you never knew possible. It opens doors for us to those around us and our situations.
Some find they have unanswered questions about themselves, their life, their next right step, about others, situations, even reincarnation ... and many find the answers come to them with ease ... all due to Higher Self.
To Schedule Your Consult, 1/2 Hour (free)
Click the blue link below, select preferred time (Eastern time).
If you're not sure how Eastern time translates to your time (U.S. or int'l) or don't see a desired timeslot, please click CONTACT atop this page, or email me through LinkedIn. Will do my best to accommodate you.
Corri Milner, CPC, MP-ELI