you may want to consider if there is something weighing on you.
It may be something in your life or work you might want to look at.
You may already be aware of what is weighing on you but are not aware of your options and feel under the weight of it until you can see your options.
You may need new perspectives, a change, or new ways to approach a challenge. There are always more options than we realize.
Until we get clear on what is going on within us - in relationships, work, how we feel about ourselves, or life itself -- (which we may have locked up in a metaphoric internal room not wanting to look at it or deal with it), it will affect our bodies. The body does not lie. Studies have shown that what we think/feel enters our cellular, our chemistry, and has an effect.
When we are doing things in alignment with who we truly are and what we really want ~ we can gain extra energy and become very motivated, accomplish a lot.
But when doing things not in alignment with who we are and what we want (even if some of it is unconscious) ~ our body takes a hit. It begins with fatigue. But if it continues for a length of time, it usually creates disease. Our body's fatigue is more than about mere satisfaction.
De-stressors are great tools to use, while getting crystal clear on what is bringing you down and the fix. Can also partner, gain new tools, and turn things around ~ by checking in with a good Business Coach or Life Coach to get to the heart of things and help turn them around quicker.
What we think and how we feel affects our health in mind-body-spirit.
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