What do you think of this?
Most people use LOVE for
what they want to get out
of it, and are frequently
blinded about the realities
of what the other person is capable of offering.
If we go into a relationshp wanting someone to change, then we will, after the blush of intimacy wears off, experience disappointment and frustration.
Most people do not perceive themselves and what they themselves want and who their true self is - and so do not perceive the other person either and who the other person is and what the other person wants (i.e. 2 people each on their own Soul Path coming together).
Until one is awake and open to perceiving one's self and perceiving the other as well as a separate person they are bonding with and blending with -- love can be a mixed up mess after one gets past the infatuation or the first 6 months or year of newness.
Life is a dance between self and other.
Without a deep connection to self ~ there is no deep connection to other.
Without being close to True, Authentic Self ~ there is no closeness to other.
Love The Business & Life You're In! ♡♡ Corri Coaching