Have you ever heard
the old song lyrics
"Me and my shadow,
walking down the avenue"?
We all have a shadow, it's
the part of us we usually keep
hidden. Usually unknown to us,
and at no fault of our own,
frequently the shadow can
be the Hidden Driver of our outcomes.
Success In Some Areas
We can be very successful in some areas in our wheel of life, but can have one or more areas that have gone awry or are vacant (like an area of our life we don’t live in much but would like to partake in).
Some people may do very well in business but feel disconnected from their love life or are not engaged in a love life at all. Or one may seek a social life with like-minded friends but finds it is lacking. Or it could be we have love, friends and family, but our business or career is not going well and we don’t quite have a handle on it. It could even be that we feel disconnected spiritually from our own self and those we engage with, which can create a sense of feeling isolated.
Have To vs. Want To
When we explore our values and discover our TRUE SELF, we more easily connect to what we feel and what we want. It can become a passion that motivates us. It shifts our energy to a mode of WANT TO, rather than a mode of HAVE TO, in areas we can shine a light on and be at our best. This propels us forward to our success and greater satisfaction, as well as attracts it to us. When we are in a “want to” mode what we resonate is very different and draws a different response than when we are in a “have to” mode.
Shadow Self
How about that SHADOW SELF? What is it and what goes on with that? While coaching takes a very different approach than therapy and psychiatry, the theme of the shadow is one that threads through both coaching and therapy. The great Dr. Carl G. Jung said the Shadow Self is part of the unconscious mind consisting of repressed weaknesses, shortcomings, and instincts. “Everyone carries a shadow,” he wrote.
“Carries” is a great word regarding the Shadow Self. While my clients gain clarity developing their True Self and learning of their Shadow Self, they frequently perceive their Shadow as a burden and an energy drain and mood downer. While there are instances that the 2 selves (or 2 voices if you will) can be merged as one and work together as one, most of the time my clients found it created conflict for them in what they wanted and how they wanted it (True Self vs. Shadow Self). They came to realize that this was a key reason they didn’t have what they wanted in one or more areas of their business or their life.
The Law Of Attraction
Perhaps you’re familiar with The Law Of Attraction: that what we think and feel is what we attract into our lives. I truly believe that what we go towards comes towards us at the same time ~ voila, manifestation. However, if you have more than one stream of thought-feeling, that is in conflict with another thought-feeling, and in conflict with the outcome(s) you want – then you can be at the effect of the Unseen Driver which is creating the outcomes you don’t want – instead of at the cause of your life and the outcomes you do want.
Gaining clarity on such things is important. Learning to separate your True Self (Authentic Self) from your Shadow Self is helpful. Then you can either build a bridge between them, or instead create a stronger voice that will be the Master Driver of your metaphoric car – driving you to the outcomes you want and deserve. It’s not as hard as you might think and is a smooth process in coaching.
Intention And Focus
Intention and focus, in action plans, while moving through and past challenges, helps. But it is also important to removing illusion, projection, self-judgment, or perceptions that are filled with smoke instead of the abundant substance of your core values, is part of the process. In this process, fear and anxiety fall away, and your deeper self, TRUE SELF, steps up to the bat. It’s a home run!
Activate True Self
What would it mean to you to understand your SHADOW SELF, and be ABLE TO STEP INTO YOUR TRUE SELF?
How would this resonate with you?
Love The Business & Life You’re In! ♡♡ Corri Coaching
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Love The Business & Life You’re In! ♡♡
Corri Milner, CPC, MP-ELI