You can re-grow your life differently.
Science has discovered via
EPIGENETICS -- that what you
think and feel can sometimes
bypass genetics and alter it.
I had a short lifeline in my hand (palmistry). Before I discovered that always
thought I would die in my early 30's.
It was suggested I try, and I did:
-- visualize myself when I would be old and what I would be doing on a regular basis;
-- picture myself becoming as old as I intended, so I pictured being age 125, and every day thought about it, pictured myself in the sunshine, gardening in a backyard where I might live; and
-- meditate that I would live to a very ripe, healthy old age.
Sure enough my lifeline grew and grew.
I am waaaaaay past 30.
Love The Life You're In! ♡♡ Corri Coaching