In these crazy times where news where numerous things are often weighted and escalated and good news is not promoted much (except for distracting mindless entertainment chatter) - it can create an imbalance. There are various ways to find your balance and to create peace within.
When we have inner peace, our challenges can more easily be translated to solutions and just part of living, instead of insurmountable mountains. When we have inner peace, we can suddenly see opportunities and possibilties we couldn't see before.
But when we have inner turmoil, then all the outer turmoil feels that much more pronounced. When we have inner turmoil, we can feel like a leaf in the wind tossed about, or a ping-pong ball being hit from side to side in the game of life.
Some Tools to Inner Peace:
(1) MEDIATION ~ PRACTICAL & ETHEREAL. One of the greatest tools I've known. The longer you use it, the more you can learn from it. It can can open you up to your possibilities in limitless ways.
In coaching an attorney found the idea of meditation woo woo and at first didn't want to use it. But later, after seeing the other tools work for her, wanted to try it. She adopted to it quickly. One day she was feeling anxious and stuck in writing a brief and motion for a court case. After meditating for just 10 minutes she couldn't remember why she was anxious, wrote the brief and motion, and won that case.
(2) A RE-SET. You can reprogram what I call your Template to a Re-set. The Template is what has been overlaid onto you from childhood onward, to think and feel a certain way, to do things a certain way, and to have repeated outcomes that may not be what you want. Why? Because the Template may not be aligned with who you really are and what you really want. That is, you're not driving your metaphoric car to your outcomes, the Template is.
This is why The Secret doesn't work unless you first give yourself a re-set internally.
(3) AFFIRMATIONS. Affirmations are like a prayer or mantra. They're are a very smooth and effective way to alter your thoughts, feelings, and outcomes to be more about who you are and what you want - in True Self. We absorb them into our very psyche, and it alters our outcomes.
(4) SELF-TALK. Most people are unaware of the Self-Talk that goes on with them. This self-talk can make or break you. It can move you past the ceiling you keep hitting against, that is blocking you from your abundance.
You can create self-talk that motivates you and connects you to your inner passion, so that you are propelled into action and successful achievements.
Once had a client that was a Leader in Military Intelligence who said she couldn't achieve what she wanted. She learned in coaching she wanted 2 opposite things. We discovered her self-talk, which she was unaware of, was blocking her. In session I kept hearing her say, "I can't have that" or "I can't do that." So I gave her an Assignment, called: "I Can't" - to list and number each item she can't have or can't do. She sent me a list of 34 items and said she wasn't done yet. This was at the core of her thinking and was why she couldn't alter her life in the way she wanted to. She had no idea that this was inside her, it was her "Self-Talk." It had become larger than her needs and wants, "I can't."
For those of you in executive positions, and I do coach those in leadership roles, the next 3 items for some may appear woo-woo or like "tree hugging" and without purpose. If you are not open to the below, the 4 tools above are of great value. Some in corporate, who at first have thought some tools sounded woo woo, later found they are were greatly benefited by them. Do what you feel is right for you.
(5) LOVE RESONANE. Learning to tap into your Love Resonance is no small thing. It raises your energetic frequency that fills you up and propels you forward in a positive way. Others are more drawn to you. It opens your heart to what is possible. Being in Love Resonance is like a magnet that brings forth kindness and attracts kindess to you.
(6) STONES. Semi-precious stones can assist in many ways. There are stones that:
-- absorb negativity of others, so you don't have to
-- raise your frequency in Love Resonance
-- attract abundance
-- open your crown chakra to receive information
-- heal you
You can research the benefits you want from stones and purchase that way. You can also go to a store that sells them, and hold one at a time in your hand and see what you are drawn to. Anything you are drawn to is usually a stone that will assist you at that time.
(7) PARTNERING WITH DIVINITY & YOUR SPIRITUAL GUIDES. I became interested in this while still working in the law field. Had you mentioned this tool to me several years ago, it may have sounded too woo woo for me. It has since brought me great inner peace, and has been a magnet to abundance.
Some coaching clients have benefited from using this tool, aiding their achievements. Some find it woo woo. It is all good.
Love The Business & Life You're In! (◠‿◠)
Corri Milner
Success Strategist
Certified Professional Coach
Certified Master Practitioner in Energy Leadership
To Contact Me: http://www.corricoaching.com/contact.html