It is okay to ask others for what you want – in your business – on the job – in your relationships. And then ask yourself for what you want as well. If we don't ask for what we want, it is possible we won't get it.
In the past I never believed in asking for anything of. That is an isolating way to live; it didn’t bring me satisfaction. Asking does not mean begging. Being that no man / woman is an island, even if we live alone in our home, we share the planet, why not share other things, and ask others for what you want.
Recall this being a new concept; one I never allowed myself before. It was something I grappled with most of my life. Did not realize that by being so self-sufficient at all times, I was not only shutting people out from sharing in my progress, but I was at times limiting by progress as a result.
I stepped over and past this boundary. There was something I really wanted and simply didn't have the money for it at the time. So I went to the seller, and said so, and asked if I could pay $25 a month to buy it (did not purchase on credit card, but paid by check monthly, though it took years). Was told no one ever asked for such a thing before. I received it, and it was very rewarding! Not only did I receive the item I so wanted, but learned a lesson about reaching for what I wanted. Suddenly I had metaphoric hands and arms that could reach - it expanded me to reach farther for other things in my life. The reaching multiplied my productivity and made things happen. I was taking more action in my life.
This applies to personal connections as well. If you want something out of your personal relationships (whether intimate or friendship) -- how do you know if it is possible or not, until you ask. Not only do you learn the boundaries of your relationships, but you learn to define what it is you really want.
Corri Coaching ♡♡