online radio: FORGIVENESS: To Forgive Or Not To Forgive
Those I've shared this Forgiveness process with have told me it has changed their life for the better. And so I bring it to radio so more people can partake.
Several years ago, I went through my own experience with Forgiveness. It changed my life– it saved my life, really. Most people think Forgiveness is about the other person or receiving an apology - it's not. Forgiveness is solely about you. Will cover all the steps to Forgiveness, how to know if you need to forgive, what you gain from Forgiveness, a process to Forgive, and more. Will take your calls.
- Can Forgiveness change your life?
- Can Forgiveness lead to Unconfidtional Love?
- Can Forgiveness open the door to Prosserity?
Out of more than 1,500 Facebook posts I’ve done, it was my Forgiveness post years ago that drew the most attention by far. Many people have a need for forgiveness, but it is something rarely explored. Where are you with forgiveness?
Feel free to call in with your experience.
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